Since our first successful BID ballot in 2017 the BID has been working to represent, advocate and further the interests of the SWBA business community, particularly in relation to transport issues, Council services, accessibility and connectivity. Also we have tried to ensure SWBA’s environment is visibly improved, better maintained, cleaner, safer and more attractive for everyone working or visiting our estate. Below are some of the projects that we have worked on the course of BID terms.
Defibrillator - September 2023.
We have purchased and installed a defibrillator for use on the estate. It is located behind the security hut. The code to access it is located inside the security hut. It is also registered on the HeartSafe AED Locator website.
Signage for Wayfinding
We successfully applied for a grant of £135,000 from Merton Council which was used to remove old worn and guerilla signage and replaced with uniform wayfinding signage to aid pedestrians and drivers navigate easily around the estate.